I wanted to find a simple command line TAR\GZ program for Windows to GZip my modules for uploading to CPAN. But I couldn't find one I liked.
Of course there is always cygwin which I urge everyone to download who use "explorer.exe" as a shell. It's only a small download.
However, this fitted my needs. Please let me know any comments or improvements.
Update: You might also want to check out btrott's script which does the same thing but also stores the path. I didn't see this before I posted mine.
use Archive::Tar;
use Compress::Zlib;
use File::Find;
Syntax() unless @ARGV;
my $tar = Archive::Tar->new();
find( { wanted => sub { $tar->add_files($_); } }, $ARGV[1])
$tardata = $tar->write();
if ($ARGV[2]) {
open (GZIP, ">" . $ARGV[0] . ".tar.gz");
my $gz = gzopen(\*GZIP, "wb");
print $gz->gzwrite($tardata);
} else {
my $tardata;
open (TAR, ">" . $ARGV[0] . ".tar");
print TAR $tardata;
close (TAR);
sub Syntax {
print <<eof;
TAR and optionally GZIP a directory.
tar.pl [tar_name] [dir_2_tar] [GZIP]
e.g. tar.pl example /tmp/example 1
will produce example.tar.gz
Please note, that if you use this on anything public - PLEASE PLEASE think about using "perl -T" and untainting the user input. The only reason I don't have it in the code above is because I wrote this to do a specific thing and it was only going to be me that used it.