sub execute { # execute a command without shell but with timeout my ($cmd,@args)=@_; my $timeout=15; # seconds my ($result,$pid,$i,$time); if ($args[$#args]=~/^--?timeout=(\d+)$/i) { # or pass as last arg $timeout=$1; pop @args; } die "execute($cmd,".join(',',@args)."): null arguments" # SSF 080708 eliminate null arguments, they are always erroneous if grep { length($_)==0 } @args; $i=index($cmd,' '); # args appended to command? if ($i>-1) { unshift @args,split(/\s+/,substr($cmd,$i+1)); # could be more than one $cmd=substr($cmd,0,$i); } eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # NB: \n required local($/)=undef; alarm $timeout; $time=time if debug_has(EXEC); $pid=open(CMD,'-|',$cmd,@args); # run without shell overhead if ($pid) { $result=; close CMD; debug sprintf("execute(%s%s%s):\n%s%s [%.3f s]",$cmd,@args?',':'',join(',',@args),substr($result,0,500),length($result)>500?'...':'',time-$time) if debug_has(EXEC); } else { alarm 0; die "execute($cmd ".join(' ',@args)."): $!" unless $pid; } alarm 0; }; if ($@) { die $@ unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; # propagate unexpected errors } $result; }