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Global warning is an act of:

by Arunbear (Prior)
on Nov 15, 2008 at 14:57 UTC ( [id://723799]=poll: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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Re: Global warning is an act of:
by zentara (Cardinal) on Nov 15, 2008 at 18:58 UTC
    Global warning is an act of:

    I can't believe I'm the first to see the mispelling of warming

    If it is not a mispelling, then the warning is an act of Gort and Klaatu.


    I can't believe I misspelled mispelling :-)

    I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth Remember How Lucky You Are

      Good call! I think I like it better with the misspelling.

      Update: Wait, it was on purpose .oO( -W )

      /me is mad he did not notice that the first read-through. :(

      I'm so adjective, I verb nouns!

      chomp; # nom nom nom

      ++lol, zentara, every time! Every comment you make always cracks me up, or at least puts a smile on my face....have you ever thought about takin your act on the road? ;)
        have you ever thought about takin your act on the road

        As a matter of fact, I will soon be "taking it on the road"......I will be homeless. :-)

        Seriously, I have toyed with a comedy routine....."My mother, my big sisters, and me.... how I got screwed up". :-)

        P.S. Did you know "that men who have older sisters", is designated by the FBI to be a risk factor for becoming a hijacker?

        I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth Remember How Lucky You Are

      Presuming it was a typo for "global warming," it's even more reason to have somebody else proofread that next article before you send it off to the spelling-anal editor at your favorite journal

      Information about American English usage here and here. Floating point issues? Please read this before posting. — emc

        Isn't it an interesting type of psychological blindness, where you see what you think is supposed to be there, when you spell check your own stuff? I've learned to come back hours later, or even the next day, and recheck my posts. Inevitably I find grammatical and/or spelling errors.

        It has even got to the point of my paranoia setting in, and thinking the gods are playing practical jokes on me. :-)

        I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth Remember How Lucky You Are
Re: Global warning is an act of:
by Illuminatus (Curate) on Nov 18, 2008 at 15:26 UTC
    Marvin_the_Martian and the "Illudium Pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator". Earth obstructs his view of Venus.


Re: Global warning is an act of:
by CountZero (Bishop) on Nov 15, 2008 at 15:50 UTC
    I voted other, because global warming is an act of both Man, woman and President Bush.


    A program should be light and agile, its subroutines connected like a string of pearls. The spirit and intent of the program should be retained throughout. There should be neither too little or too much, neither needless loops nor useless variables, neither lack of structure nor overwhelming rigidity." - The Tao of Programming, 4.1 - Geoffrey James

      ...and our cows and other livestock.

      Information about American English usage here and here. Floating point issues? Please read this before posting. — emc

      I personally believe that quite a lot of people would agre that President Clinton contributed more to global warming than Bush did, albeit by means of an act of local warming. Many also think he should have been given some warning, (to be more careful!) either local or global, for what that either may mean!

      If you can't understand the incipit, then please check the IPB Campaign.
      Ha ha ha, no cookie for you :)
Re: Global warning is an act of:
by Tux (Canon) on Nov 16, 2008 at 11:39 UTC

    I still voted man, who is responsible for both the warming and the warning.

    • The warnings are put in software by humans
    • The warnings are caused by program errors by humans
    • The warming is caused by unlimited use of energy by man. Economy seems to be more important than nature

    Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
Re: Global warning is an act of:
by hangon (Deacon) on Nov 16, 2008 at 23:42 UTC

    So many votes for *other*. Some options are conspicuously absent.

    • Nature
    • The News Media
    • The Illuminati
Re: Global warning is an act of:
by marcussen (Pilgrim) on Nov 17, 2008 at 02:29 UTC


    Confucius says kill mosquito unless cannon
Re: Global warning is an act of:
by girarde (Hermit) on Nov 18, 2008 at 18:21 UTC
    It's an act of use strict

      I personally believe that by definition the act of use strict is... strictness. Or else many jokes can be made about some "warnings," in some contexts, being... err, well, Fatal. Except that as a sad but realistic note, in those contexts there's not much to joke!

      If you can't understand the incipit, then please check the IPB Campaign.
Re: Global warning is an act of:
by stonecolddevin (Parson) on Nov 19, 2008 at 09:33 UTC

    What the hell is global warning?

Re: Global warning is an act of:
by apl (Monsignor) on Nov 15, 2008 at 19:21 UTC
    That's Zod, not God ...

      I personally believe that it's FSM: His many noodly appendages bring us both global, err... well, tasty, warming and... global warnings from Him who knows better than anything else in the universe what spaghetti code is.

      If you can't understand the incipit, then please check the IPB Campaign.
        Greetings to a fellow Pastafarian!

        I disagree that the FSM is responsible for global warming; he's al dente as he is...

Re: Global warning is an act of:
by gok8000 (Scribe) on Dec 01, 2008 at 16:22 UTC
    To warn or not to warm ... that is the problem.
    If it's better to warm and not to warn anybody,
    Or to get a warm warn about the global warm
    And consequently behave as if were warned...

    Hi all! :)

    update: ...but, seriously, the global warming can really be considered as a warning, and this probably explains the misspelling.

Re: Global warning is an act of:
by Anonymous Monk on Nov 18, 2008 at 19:28 UTC
    Perhaps its just another random act of kindness.
Re: Global warning is an act of:
by sandeepbharmoria (Beadle) on Nov 26, 2008 at 08:21 UTC
    Its a regular natural cycle from millions of years... First was ice age... then warm dinosaur's Jurassic period and again Ice age.. Its quite simple, It gets warm first then it gets cool and so on... so we are in the same phase... We can blame man only to make this change very fast... Because their are many other factors which are not mentioned here...
      So global warning has been oscillating for millions of years? :-)
Re: Global warning is an act of:
by gloryhack (Deacon) on Nov 26, 2008 at 01:46 UTC
    -W is an act of man, so there ya go.
Re: Global warning is an act of:
by Grey Fox (Chaplain) on Nov 25, 2008 at 15:51 UTC
    I think a global warning is got to be an act of God. I don't think man has anything big enough to warn everyone. This reminds me of George Carlins bit about a two minute warning before you die. "Two minutes get your sh... together.". Now that's a global warning!!
    -- Grey Fox
    "We are grey. We stand between the darkness and the light" B5
Re: Global warning is an act of:
by Skeeve (Parson) on Nov 27, 2008 at 12:25 UTC
    Wait! It was warNing, not warMing, right?

Re: Global warning is an act of:
by talexb (Chancellor) on Nov 20, 2008 at 04:47 UTC

    Zod! Terence Stamp was awesome in the first Superman movie as this evil villain.

    But if you're thinking about global warming, be sure to read the late Michael Crichton's book State of Fear which wraps a thriller around a variety of 'global warming' bits. Most illuminating.

    Alex / talexb / Toronto

    "Groklaw is the open-source mentality applied to legal research" ~ Linus Torvalds

      Picky, but I think Terence Stamp and Zod turned up in the second movie, but awesome indeed.

      Also Michael Crichton was a fiction writter. Whatever you think about global warming and its cause, it is better to reach your conclusion reading factual works by scientist.
        Even more picky...:). Zod was indeed in the first movie, but only briefly. The beginning of the movie saw Zod and his crew banished to the 'Phantom Zone' (patent-pending)

        Although I acknowledge that Crichton was a fiction writer, and that State of Fear was a work of fiction, it did reference many, many published, academic works. I'm guessing you haven't read this book, right?

        Alex / talexb / Toronto

        "Groklaw is the open-source mentality applied to legal research" ~ Linus Torvalds

      I got completely turned off to Crichton after his book Airframe, which was touted as the "shocking truth about what airframers don't know about metal fatigue" Since I was an airframe maker, and we had known about (and designed around) airframe fatigue issues since before Crichton first put pen to paper, being lectured to by a no-better-than-second-rate novelist was highly offensive. Maybe I should have lectured him about plot.

      Information about American English usage here and here. Floating point issues? Please read this before posting. — emc

Re: Global warning is an act of:
by snafu (Chaplain) on Nov 19, 2008 at 14:41 UTC
    I'm upset because I missed -W as a votable option until it was too late. Definitely would have picked that one.

    Global warming (imho) is a mostly-myth as it pertains to mankind.

    Mankind definitely contributes but I believe that if man were not on the Earth that the worldly environment would be doing exactly the same thing as it's doing now perhaps less accelerated. Just mho. Global warning is something we should all have now that Obama is in office.

    Let the flame war begin! =}

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    - Jim
    Insert clever comment here...

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