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by blue_cowdawg (Monsignor)
on Apr 14, 2001 at 03:15 UTC ( [id://72516]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Peter L. Berghold

Perl Monk, Brewer, BBQ Pitmaster, Dog Trainer, Jack of All Trades

There's me. In that picture I just found out about a gang of miscreants that write Perl s‎crip‎ts without use strict;, insist on reinventing the wheel and other violations of Perl Best Practices.

All kidding aside: I've been a Perl programmer since around 1989 when I first got a hold of the Perl source code as a collection of UUENCODEd SHAR files and decided to try it out on an HP9000/850 that I was responsible for back in the day. I fell in love with the language at first try and found that a lot of my system administration s‎crip‎ts could be improved by eliminating all the pipes to things like grep, awk, tr, sed, eh.. you get the idea.

A coworker of mine turned me on to Perl Monks around January of 2001 and I"ve been hanging out here ever since. Not as active as I once was (real life gets in the way) but I drop in every now and then and see what is happening here.

Currently (as of August 15, 2011) I am employed by EasyLink Services (company page) in the internet support group. (Update: Easylink is now owned by OpenText) Best part of this job besides the technical challenges is the fact that it is three minutes from my home.

Currently I work at AT&T Middletown Research on Laurel Ave. This gig is thirty minutes from my house. Got an office with a door that closes and everything!

In my private life: I'm married to a lady that I've been with since 1975 and have two children that I'm immensly proud of. My daughter who is a hands on educational aid to special needs children and my son who is currently following in his father's footsteps and is serving in the US Navy.

I'm a US Navy veteran and a Past Post Commander of Post 346 Department of New Jersey American Legion.

As one of my main hobbies I brew beer. My preferred styles are in the family of Belgian Ales, with Farmhouse Ales being my favorite. I also brew stouts, heffeweisen and other styles.

My other main hobby is an interest that I share with my wife. We both train dogs for the sport of dog agility. An adicting hobby if there ever was one. My current performance dog is an Australian Cattle Dog who was born in May of 2008. He's a fun loving dog who wants to please no matter what.

I have a bunch of other interests as well, but I want to keep this short. Message me if you want to get to know me better.

Other places you'll find me:

URLWhat is it?100% work safe? My DeviantArt GalleryNOSome nudity and strong sexual themes Politically incorrect ravings of a middle aged curmudgeon. YES My online notebook for my science fiction writing projects and some short stories YES

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