syphilis has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
There are some bug reports on that I wish to close.
I've found the "Resolve" link for these bug reports which, I presume, is the link I needed to locate. It takes me to a form ... but the form contains some blank fields with which I'm unsure how to deal.
Firstly, there's a blank "Owner" field. Does that need to be filled in ?
Secondly, there's a "Worked" field where a number of minutes/hours can be entered. What's the point of that ?
And thirdly, there's a "Message" field. Does anything need to be written in it ? (From memory, any bug closure reports I've received for tickets that I've created seem to have a standard layout - so I assume that the message field is provided only in case there are additional comments that the closer wishes to make.)
Cheers, Rob
Re: Closing tickets
by f00li5h (Chaplain) on Nov 28, 2008 at 06:22 UTC
Is this your dist that you are closing tickets for? If it is, the stuff below applies to you, if it's not your dist, I don't believe RT will let you close tickets
The idea of the Owner is that you assign work to people on the "team" working on the dist... if it's just you, you cna do whatever you like
the message is included in the ticket log... you'd want to include the output of the tests passing, or a polite message thanking the person that submitted the patch
most of the fields are just so you can track your time ...
@_=qw; ask f00li5h to appear and remain for a moment of pretend better than a lifetime;;s;;@_[map hex,split'',B204316D8C2A4516DE];;y/05/os/&print;
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if it's not your dist, I don't believe RT will let you close tickets
Ok ... I'll soon find out for certain about that. (It's not my dist - I merely have maintainership permissions.)
Update: Just as an fyi - I *can* close these tickets, despite not being the owner of the dist. (At least I've just managed to close one of 'em ... still got a few to go :-)
The idea of the Owner is that you assign work to people on the "team" working on the dist
I see ... the "Owner" is the person to whom the ticket has been assigned, not the "Owner" of the dist.
Thanks for the answers, f00li5h.
Cheers, Rob
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Re: Closing tickets
by DrHyde (Prior) on Nov 28, 2008 at 10:19 UTC
Firstly, there's a blank "Owner" field. Does that need to be filled in?
What happened when you tried it?
Secondly, there's a "Worked" field where a number of minutes/hours can be entered. What's the point of that?
RT isn't just designed for hobbyists on the CPAN. Can you think of any situation where it might be useful to know how long it took to close a bug or reject a non-bug?
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What happened when you tried it?
Whoa ... just how adventurous do you think I am ?
Can you think of any situation where it might be useful to know how long it took to close a bug or reject a non-bug?
I sure am glad that's a rhetorical question ... because, if I had to answer it, 'twould be with a definite "nope" :-)
Thanks for the belittlement ... hope it made you feel better.
Cheers, Rob
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Firstly, there's a blank "Owner" field. Does that need to be filled in?
What happened when you tried it?
Now, wait a minute …. It seems to me that “What happened when you tried it?” is a great question for some beginner who wants us to give him correct Perl code rather than experimenting himself, but not so great for someone trying to figure out the correct thing to do with a public-facing, serious bug-tracking database. Are you really suggesting that “try and see” is the appropriate mentality in this setting?
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If random noobs can twiddle my tickets, then you can bet that malicious children will already have done so, so there's no (extra) harm in trying.
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