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Re: Small Perl quests for a beginner?

by jbert (Priest)
on Dec 03, 2008 at 09:28 UTC ( [id://727614]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Small Perl quests for a beginner?

If you have an interest in mathematics, Project Euler offers a large number of programming problems.of varied difficulty.

If you feel like a challenge, you could try to go through some of the exercises in SICP. The book is based around scheme, but there are still a number of good problems in there you could pick out. There's a reasonable chance of going down some blind alleys tho (e.g. scheme has tail recursion and I don't know that perl does, so some sections which take advantage of that might blow up on you), so take that recommendation with a pinch of salt.

Edit: updated broken link. D'oh. Thanks for correction.

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Re^2: Small Perl quests for a beginner?
by JavaFan (Canon) on Dec 03, 2008 at 10:16 UTC
    Your link points to a different page on Perlmonks, but that page gives a 404. I did find another Project Euler site though.
      That's the one. Sorry for the broken link, fixed now.

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