If you want something simple and light, here is some code that should take care of you
use IO::Select;
use IO::Pipe;
my $select = IO::Select->new();
my @commands = ("echo 1",
"echo 2",
"echo 3",
"echo 4",
"echo 5",
foreach ( @commands ){
my $pipe = IO::Pipe->new();
my $pid = fork;
die "Bad Fork $!" unless defined $pid;
### parent
if( $pid ){
$select->add( $pipe );
### child
print $pipe "PID $$: COMMAND $_\n";
print $pipe `$_`; # do the command
my $num = 0;
while( my @responses = $select->can_read(0) ){
die "Timedout [$!]\n" unless @responses;
my $pipe = $responses[ rand @responses ];
print STDOUT while <$pipe>;
print "------------------------------------------------\n";
$select->remove( $pipe->fileno() );
last if ++$num >= @commands;
Using pipes to do all of the dirty work of IPC is great. Whoever made IO::Pipe and IO::Select (Graham Barr i think) made life wonderful. change @commands to whatever you want and you are done.