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Re: Rotisserie Baseball Section

by TGI (Parson)
on Apr 17, 2001 at 02:31 UTC ( [id://72979]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Rotisserie Baseball Section

I'm a real big fan of Rotisserie Chicken or Pork Ribs. I don't know much about Rotiserie Baseball, though. Before I can start my local PerlMonks Rotisserie Baseball League, I'll need to know more about the concept. I've got a few questions.

  • How many baseballs should I plan to serve, per person?
  • Baseballs are pretty tough and don't seem to have much meat on them,lots of tenderizer will be necessary. Where can I find marinade recipes?
  • Do you take the sticthes out before you eat them?
  • How do you stick the spit through the baseball, anyhow?

TGI says moo

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Re: Rotisserie Baseball Section
by Chmrr (Vicar) on Apr 17, 2001 at 03:55 UTC
    I'm no fine conesseur, but here are a few tips:
    • Plan to serve map {(split //,'baseball')*$_->{size}} @people -- it's a nice, rough estimate.
    • Personally, I prefer to use CGI; ("Complete, Guaranteed Ingestion!") but others have their own favorites (use Tk;, the "Tenderizing Kaboodle," is also fairly popular)
    • Certainly. tr/'// is a generally accepted way of doing this. Note that you may need ot extend this to take into account double-stitchings!
    • $base->spit->ball;
    Hope this helped.

    perl -e 'print "I love rotisserie baseball $^X$\"$]!$/"#$&V"+@( NO CARRIER'

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