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Re: framechat

by Boldra (Deacon)
on Apr 17, 2001 at 12:28 UTC ( [id://73075]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to framechat

I love the framechat, many thanks Epoptai! I do enjoy the little "@verb" game you played (an addition to Vrooms own toy).

I've added a few extra verbs to my own version of framechat, here's my new list:
my @verb = qw(lurking romping hanging wandering stumbling sneaking floating hovering levitating scrambling shuffling fumbling fiddling trapsing crawling fart-arsing dancing prancing walking sock-sliding hopping astrally-projecting);
Does anyone else have any additions?

(if you aren't sure what this is about, see the first 4 lines of the users sub)

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