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Re: RFC: Module name for a flashcard application on CPAN?

by samtregar (Abbot)
on Mar 03, 2009 at 18:15 UTC ( [id://747829]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to RFC: Module name for a flashcard application on CPAN?

Yes, you did commit a mistake. Inventing your own top level namespace (in this case Edu) is almost always wrong. Instead, how about App::Flashcards? I don't think you need to indicate that it's educational - are there non-educational flashcards?


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Re^2: RFC: Module name for a flashcard application on CPAN?
by doom (Deacon) on Mar 03, 2009 at 19:26 UTC

    are there non-educational flashcards?
    Yes, I have one in my camera. (Though I guess sometimes it's educational.)

    Now that the phrase "flashcard" has been hi-jacked by electronics manufacturers, I'd suggest making an effort to disambiguate. My suggestion would be to use the word "Quiz" (which is short, unambiguous, and an actual English word... most competitors fail one or more of those: "Edu", "Educational", "Exam", "Examination", "Learning", "Study").

    So, possibly App::Quiz::Flashcards, but I think I would go with Quiz::Flashcards (for better or worse, there's already a top-level "Quiz").

      Very useful advice, thanks!

      Using "Quiz" is a very good idea as that's what it is meant to do. Actually learning the information should happen in another context, with the flashcard app only serving as a tool to reinforce the knowledge and to improve recall time.

      A::Q::F would get a bit longwinded, i think, however i will keep it in mind in case any problems crop up with Q::F.
Re^2: RFC: Module name for a flashcard application on CPAN?
by Xenofur (Monk) on Mar 03, 2009 at 19:17 UTC
    Well, i was thinking in how I'd browse through an ftp, i.e. educational stuff goes in "edu". However i wasn't even aware that the TLN didn't exist. Thanks a lot for pointing it out and also for the suggestion of a better name.

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