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Re: (stephen) Re: Short (and clever?) CSV-to-AoA

by scott (Chaplain)
on Apr 24, 2001 at 00:05 UTC ( [id://74850]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to (stephen) Re: Short (and clever?) CSV-to-AoA
in thread Short (and clever?) CSV-to-AoA

Hmmm ... it runs fine as is for me with Activestate.

Sorry about the comma confusion, I was using 'CSV' in its generic sense (like Text::CSV_XS which handles much more than commas as field delimiters).

There won't be any commas in the data. It's quite clean.

I see I've (again) assumed that everyone could read my mind and knew everything I know about the problem, sorry.

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Re: Re: (stephen) Re: Short (and clever?) CSV-to-AoA
by stephen (Priest) on Apr 24, 2001 at 00:19 UTC
    Yes, it runs fine with the unless() statement. What I was saying was that it also runs fine without the unless() statement. :)

    You might also want to take a look at Data::Table on CPAN.


      Eeep! I could have sworn that it didn't but it certainly does today. Thanks! Now the code is even simpler.

      I'll look at Data::Table.

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