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Re: Mixing POST and GET with CGI::Application

by samtregar (Abbot)
on Mar 06, 2009 at 19:34 UTC ( [id://748945]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Mixing POST and GET with CGI::Application

I can think of one good reason not to mix POST and GET - it often doesn't work. With the right version of or Apache::Request (depending on whether you're in mod_perl or not) it can work. But what's the upside? Using hidden inputs in a post form is easy and very reliable.


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Re^2: Mixing POST and GET with CGI::Application
by c4onastick (Friar) on Mar 06, 2009 at 19:55 UTC
    I can think of one good reason not to mix POST and GET - it often doesn't work[!]

    Good point! I was a bit weary of that, but the second set of scripts I have up there does prove that they can coexist peacefully.

    I had intended to use them both for separation of run mode control and transfer of data, i.e. use the GET variables only for "out" functions like: display page X. Then use the POST variables for input, which (in most cases) would be parsed and inserted into a database. Plus the forms I have for the full project will have some pretty hefty data entry, so I might be brushing up against the GET size limit.

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