sort it and stuff the biggest one into each half...
#! /usr/bin/perl -wT
use warnings;
use strict;
my @kitties = sort qw/ 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 /;
my $i;
my (@first, @second);
while (@kitties){
push @first, shift @kitties;
push @second, shift @kitties;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper (\@first, \@second );
use List::Util qw[ sum ];
print "we have ", sum( @first ), " and ", sum( @second );
$VAR1 = ['1','2','4','9'];
$VAR2 = ['10','3','5',undef];
we have 16 and 18
this puts undefs in if there is an uneven number of elements (as this code shows)
@_=qw; ask f00li5h to appear and remain for a moment of pretend better than a lifetime;;s;;@_[map hex,split'',B204316D8C2A4516DE];;y/05/os/&print;