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Re: The value of declarations

by ww (Archbishop)
on Apr 06, 2009 at 20:43 UTC ( [id://755846]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to The value of declarations

We are all familiar with the standard advice. Use It catches typos.

But as you're well aware there's more to it than catching typos... at least for those whose Perl_fu is less than "expert."

And then there's the addendum, which you didn't quote, of which this is one variant:

"...unless you know what you're doing and why you're doing it."

Now, I see that you didn't ignore this, but given the high regard in which you're held, I fear some less-knowledgeable coders (especially those who merely scan the first few lines) might wind up telling themselves "but tilly said I shouldn't use strict. Of course, you did no such thing, which is what makes your meditation worth CAREFUL and thoughtful reading, even by those to whom I have imputed "lesser fu" or impatience (and, BTW, to /me).

++ !

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