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Re^2: What is the difference between $array[1] and @array[1]?

by JavaFan (Canon)
on Apr 07, 2009 at 16:13 UTC ( [id://756064]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: What is the difference between $array[1] and @array[1]?
in thread What is the difference between $array[1] and @array[1]?

(If you use slices with just one element you will get a warning though.)

That depends on how you write the slice:

@a = (1 .. 5); say @a[1]; # Warning say @a[1..1]; # No warning say @a[1,]; # No warning @b = 1; say @a[@b]; # No warning
Four one element slices, but only one warns.

Frankly, I find the warning a bit silly; specially the warning if the slice is used in rvalue context. There isn't anything else the programmer could have reasonably meant. And in Perl6, @a[1] is going to be the required syntax anyway.

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