I'm a little rusty, but this looked fun and I took a stab at it. Here's a convaluted, winding, unoptimized memory hog that generates a high scoring solution, but not always the highest possible score given arbitrary lines of input...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my @lines=<DATA>;
my %hash = ();
my %highscores = ();
my @final_words = ();
my $final_score = 0;
my $longword = '';
for my $letter ( "a" .. "z" ) {
my $line = '';
for (@lines) {
$line = $_;
my @words = split;
for my $word (@words) {
my $tmp = scalar grep {/$letter/} split (//,$word);
if (!$hash{$line}{$letter}{highscore} || $hash{$line}{$letter}{high
+score} < $tmp) {
$hash{$letter}{$line}{highscore} = $tmp;
$hash{$letter}{$line}{word} = $word;
$hash{$line}{$letter}{highscore} = $tmp;
$hash{$line}{$letter}{word} = $word;
$highscores{$letter} = 0;
$highscores{$letter} += $hash{$letter}{$_}{highscore} for keys %{$has
if (!$highscores{bigletter}{score} || $highscores{bigletter}{score} <
+ $highscores{$letter}) {
$highscores{bigletter}{score} = $highscores{$letter};
$highscores{bigletter}{letter} = $letter;
my $bl = $highscores{bigletter}{letter};
print "Letter with highest score is \"$bl\" with $highscores{bigletter
+}{score} occurrences\n";
for my $line (keys %{$hash{$bl}}) {
push @final_words,$hash{$line}{$bl}{word};
print "\nWords chosen:\n";
print "$_\n" for @final_words;
$longword .= $_ for @final_words;
my @final_letters = split (//,$longword);
for my $letter ( "a" .. "z" ) {
my $count = grep {/$letter/} @final_letters;
$final_score += ($count * $count + $count) / 2;
print "\nFinal score: $final_score\n";
alabama arkansas alaska delaware hawaii indiana kansas montana delawar
sazerac sangrita
radiator gastank engine heater fender wheel detent battery clutch mirr
+or window
alloy amalgam vanadium copper steel
rutabaga limabean cress carrot sorrel squash cabbage pepper lettuce be
+et leek celery endive rhubarb parsnip pumpkin
azalia camellia dahlia gardenia gentian vervain canna hepatica bluebel
+l anemone oleander
lasagna macaroni pastina gnocchi tortelli alfabeto
mascagni britten menotti
unamas tacotime pizzahut tacobell panago tacomayo edojapan hardees
caramel marzipan taiglach taffy brittle fondant toffee dragee
Letter with highest score is "a" with 26 occurrences
Words chosen:
Final score: 457
Note the score is less than the shown maximum of 474 for this data set.