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Re^2: The Enlightened Perl Iron Man Competition

by Your Mother (Archbishop)
on Apr 22, 2009 at 14:39 UTC ( [id://759296]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: The Enlightened Perl Iron Man Competition
in thread The Enlightened Perl Iron Man Competition

I know this isn't typical but my personal site gets 3,000-10,000 visitors per day, I make a small amount of money from a single ad placement, I'm a writer so it's what I want to be doing (i.e., it's not a time waster), and I sometimes write about Perl. A blog is the right place to write about code in a personal development, eureka! kind of way. One liners and personal tests don't make it into revision control.

Google indexes are pretty site-category agnostic. I posted an Ajax snippet that hit #1 immediately for a fairly normal search term. I've found that my code-related pages generally index better than other kinds of content. I find lots of answers to my own ActionScript, JavaScript, shell, git, etc questions in blogs at least as often as manual pages.

I'm down with the Trout.

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