The reason is jonam resp. you not responding to Co-Rion's request for further information whether you are using two accounts. Both accounts had their voting privilege revoked.
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Is it strictly no two accounts for a single user?
I think it is not
see Site Rules Governing User Accounts
He would have thought why can't I have; rather than why should I have?.
Is there any chance of giving the privilege back to at-least one account?
for jonam and manoj_speed , just apologize to gods if you have voted for one account from another account, and stick to one account for voting
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Neither account reacted to my inquiry whether they are the same person. They share details which make it quite clear that they are the same person.
- A person may have only one account which they use for voting.
This was violated.
I welcome you speaking out for them but as they had enough time to react and didn't, I don't think an apology will be forthcoming.
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