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Re^4: No votes

by manoj_speed (Prior)
on Apr 28, 2009 at 09:12 UTC ( [id://760547]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: No votes
in thread No votes

I personally messaged this to chromatic, since I don't know how to inform to gods about this. Jonam is my friend. That's it. I request gods to look into this and kindly grant my voting permission.

-- The wisest mind has something yet to learn.

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Re^5: No votes
by marto (Cardinal) on Apr 28, 2009 at 11:09 UTC

    /msg gods would suffice, though at least one of them was already aware, since they messaged both accounts in the first place.


Re^5: No votes
by jdporter (Paladin) on Apr 29, 2009 at 14:46 UTC
    I personally messaged this to chromatic, since I don't know how to inform to gods about this.

    A reply to Co-rion would have sufficed. You can't figure out how to use the "reply to" function in your Message Inbox?

      PerlMonks does not exactly have the most intuitive interface. In many ways that's part of its charm. But lets be realistic -- it also makes it harder for new users to figure out how to do things. Even something like accessing your Inbox isn't as intuitive as it could be. So I don't think it's really fair to expect new Monks to quickly become acclimated to the environment. Even more so when English is not the respective Monk's native language, such as the case here where manoj_speed is from India. We also do not know the contents of the message sent by Co-Rion. If he told manoj_speed that he needed to contact the gods then exactly how is he supposed to know how to do that? I have been here over eight years and I think this thread is the first time I have seen "/msg gods". I'm not saying you are wrong -- but it also seems unreasonable to just assume new Monks can easily figure out how to navigate The Monastery.

      Elda Taluta; Sarks Sark; Ark Arks

        We all know that the message from Co-Rion said that it was from Co-Rion and that manoj_speed was able to send a private message to chromatic (but not when the problem was pointed out and feedback was requested, only after days passed and, lacking a response, a privilege was removed). So I don't see how a quirky interface can be blamed here (unless you think using a hyphen in a private /msg is somehow cast as "difficult" by the interface). The first reply here even said that the OP should reply to Co-Rion.

        Luckily, the evidence is quite obvious and the excuses completely unconvincing. Had facial expressions been involved here then the excuses would have been met with frank rolling of the eyes and that would've been the end of it in most cases. But on the internet, everybody can fib with a straight face while they can't see how sincere your disbelief is in response.

        No, I will not discuss what the evidence was, etc. I wouldn't discuss it at all had manoj_speed not chosen to make the problem public (and, no, I don't see any evidence that making it public was anything other than a dodge). And I still wouldn't have discussed it in public had I not felt that this particular third-party justification needed to be "put down" as not fitting the facts.

        Yes, the interface isn't completely intuitive but the interface was successfully used and there was no requirement or even request for "/msg gods" to be used. So that is a lousy justification that doesn't deserve to be propped up.

        - tye        

        1. Is the PerlMonks FAQ not linked prominently enough?
        2. Where, exactly, are the deficiencies in the PerlMonks FAQ? It seems to me that the FAQ is plenty clear on all of the issues you mention; but I admit that I may be too close to it to see it objectively.

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