The codegolf site is still on perl 5.8.8 yet states "All languages will be kept relatively up to date as new versions are released". They probably should upgrade to perl 5.10.x, yet if they do that say versus print and other issues will make the current games unfair.
Even if they change to 5.10.x, you need an explicit -M5.01 or -E: option to be able to use say, wouldn't you? The -e option is implicit so you can't just replace it to -E.
Also it might be better to keep the older versions of languages as alternatives there too, unless that takes too much effort, so as not to break solutions like that in The golf course looks great, my swing feels good, I like my chances (Part II) by replacing ruby 1.8 with 1.9.
I do agree that it would help to upgrade the languages though, in some other cases it can definitely help cut characters from solutions.