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Re^5: Learning Fundamentals: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Perl

by BrowserUk (Patriarch)
on May 02, 2009 at 05:46 UTC ( [id://761466]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: Learning Fundamentals: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Perl
in thread Learning Fundamentals: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Perl

My point wasn't that I know it. More that I knew it once, but probably could not have recalled it accurately for most of of my career and never missed the absence of the recall. I've never had the need to establish the formal, algorithmic complexity of any given algorithm in the real-world, since I learnt the formal methods involved. But the informal appreciation of what the notation means has allowed me to discuss algorithms without worrying too much about the fine distinctions.

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