Lama example, 5th edition, page 41, Special Array Indices
First an array is introduced:
$rocks[0] = 'bedrock'; #One element...
$rocks[1] = 'slate'; #another...
$rocks[2] = 'lava'; #and another...
$rocks[3] = 'crushed rock'; #and another...
$rocks[99] = 'schist'; #now there are 95 undef elements
then there's
$end = $#rocks; #99, which is the last element's index
$number_of_rocks = $end + 1 #okay, but you'll see a better way late
$rocks[$#rocks] = 'hard rock' #the last rock
I thought, because I didn't quite see what the sudden appearance of $number_of_rocks meant, that somehow a new index was being tacked on at the end of the array, and then given the value of 'hard rock'. I didn't realise that 'schist' was no more and that it's $rocks[99] = 'hard rock'.
Niet een slimme poes.
use strict;
use warnings;
print "Type in a string: \n";
chomp ($string = <STDIN>);
$string.=' ';
print "Type in a number: \n";
chomp ($int = <STDIN>);
if ($int >= 100) {
print "Whoa, too big man.\n";
} else {
print "The result is \n", $string x $int,"\n";