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Re^3: Regexp Legibility

by linuxer (Curate)
on Jun 21, 2009 at 16:47 UTC ( [id://773386]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Regexp Legibility
in thread Regexp do's and don'ts

No, it doesn't look like that.

In one run "with do" was 40% faster than "as usual", while in the second run, "with eval" iswas 9% slower than "as usual".

The "Rate" shows you how many times the specific routine could be run per time unit, so in this case, runs per second.

What makes you think, that the eval-solution runs faster? ;)

BTW, you can do comparisons with more than two subroutines. So you can do one run and compare all three (or more) routines.

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