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Re^2: DBIC intermittently returning rows missing date_time value

by Anonymous Monk
on Jun 26, 2009 at 08:14 UTC ( [id://774958]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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Re^3: DBIC intermittently returning rows missing date_time value
by reasonablekeith (Deacon) on Jun 29, 2009 at 11:00 UTC
    As said, looks fine to me.
    SELECT,, me.date_time, me.status_code, me.time_taken FRO +M tests me WHERE ( ( ( date_time <= ? AND date_time >= ? ) AND name = ? ) ) ORDE +R BY date_ time: '2009-06-24 23:59:59', '2009-06-24 00:00:00', 'ART_CRV' Use of uninitialized value $date_time in concatenation (.) or string a +t D:/upload/Websites/iic2/script/../lib/iic2/Controller/tests/report. +pm line 26. __SNIPPED_A_WHOLE_BUNCH_OF_THESE_THAT_ARE_ALL_THE_SAME_AND_RELATE_TO_T +HE_MISSING_DATE Use of uninitialized value $date_time in concatenation (.) or string a +t D:/upload/Websites/iic2/script/../lib/iic2/Controller/tests/report. +pm line 26. [info] *** Request 1292 (0.005/s) [6088] [Mon Jun 29 11:54:59 2009] ** +* [debug] "GET" request for "tests/report/day_simple/ART_CRV/2009-06-24" + from "127 .0.0.1" [debug] Path is "tests/report/day_simple" [debug] Arguments are "ART_CRV/2009-06-24" [info] Request took 0.151744s (6.590/s) .------------------------------------------------------------+-------- +---. | Action | Time + | +------------------------------------------------------------+-------- +---+ | /tests/report/day_simple | 0.12781 +2s | | /end | 0.00176 +9s | '------------------------------------------------------------+-------- +---'

      Nowhere in your posted code is a variable with name $date_time shown, yet Perl reports a variable with that name as causing the warning. Either Perl made up the variable name on the spot or you didn't show us the code that's causing this (D:/upload/Websites/iic2/lib/iic2/Controller/tests/

        Arghh, sorry Corian, I forgot I'd slightly changed the output since the first post. Restoring the code and re-running the trace gives the same output with the exception that the $date_time warning changes to...
        Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at D:/upload +/Websites/iic2/script/../lib/iic2/Controller/tests/ line 25.
        Thanks, Rob

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