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Re^2: Deleting array elements

by davorg (Chancellor)
on Jul 23, 2009 at 08:26 UTC ( [id://782590]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Deleteing array elements
in thread Deleteing array elements

@arr = grep { $_ !~ /c/ } @arr;

That works, of course, with the sample data that we've been given, but in the general case it will remove any element that contains the letter 'c'.

Regular expressions aren't always the answer. Sometimes a simpler approach is right.

@arr = grep { $_ ne 'c' } @arr;

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Re^3: Deleteing array elements
by si_lence (Deacon) on Jul 23, 2009 at 08:55 UTC
    Hi davorg, you are - of course - right with your remark that regular expressions aren't always the answer.
    It really depends on the problem. If a special named file should be removed from the array then ne is probably the better solution.
    If all files ending in .log should be removed, then a regex might be the way to go.
    Since there is no information about the general problem in the OP we are left guessing.

    cheers, si_lence

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