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Re: find acronyms in a text

by davorg (Chancellor)
on Jul 23, 2009 at 10:20 UTC ( [id://782616]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to find acronyms in a text

You say you're dealing with a Word document. Word docs are binary files, but you are treating this as a plain text file. That could potentially cause all sorts of problems.


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Re^2: find acronyms in a text
by steph_bow (Pilgrim) on Jul 23, 2009 at 10:32 UTC

    Thanks a lot

    I have taken into account your remark and copied the contents of the doc word into a text word but it does not work yet

    update: it works now thanks to the remark of rmflow
      Use antiword to convert doc to text

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