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Re^2: find acronyms in a text

by davorg (Chancellor)
on Jul 23, 2009 at 14:59 UTC ( [id://782695]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: find acronyms in a text
in thread find acronyms in a text

my @words = $_ =~ m/\b[A-Z]+\b/g;

Aren't you missing capturing brackets there?

my @words = m/\b([A-Z]+)\b/g;
foreach(@words) { $acronyms_captured{$_} = undef; }

Personally, I'd write that as:

@acronyms_captured{@words} = ();

I like hash slices a lot :-)


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Re^3: find acronyms in a text
by arun_kom (Monk) on Jul 23, 2009 at 15:46 UTC
    well, i thought it didnt matter in this case either way as whatever is captured here is what i want ... but i guess adding capturing brackets to make it explicit is better practise.
    ... and also the same with using ( ) for undef
    am learning ... thanks

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