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Re^2: How do I combine SPLIT with trimming white space

by Grey Fox (Chaplain)
on Aug 12, 2009 at 13:59 UTC ( [id://787932]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: How do I combine SPLIT with trimming white space
in thread How do I combine SPLIT with trimming white space

Hi Marshall
One of the reasons there was no semi colon after Betty, was that she was at the end of the original e-mail To: list. One of the things I wanted to do is just pull the To: and CC: as one cut and paste. That leaves a new line between the last name and the first CC: the original code changes the CC: to a semi colon.
Also part of the original requirements is a sorted list. Thanks though, some nice ideas.
-- Grey Fox
"We are grey. We stand between the darkness and the light" B5
  • Comment on Re^2: How do I combine SPLIT with trimming white space

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Re^3: How do I combine SPLIT with trimming white space
by Marshall (Canon) on Aug 14, 2009 at 17:13 UTC
    Grey Fox,
    Glad you got some good ideas from this thread!

    I thought something was weird with the missing semicolon - just a small detail.

    As far as sorting goes print "$name\n"; #push to DB or whatever here... is where you can just push to a list like @full_names. Here is one way of many to do the sort. Note that the "Boop" family winds up in the correct sort order.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my @names = ( "Builder,Bob", "Stein,Franklin", "Boop,Elizabeth", "Boop,Albert", "Bear,Izzy", "SomeGuy,Guy", "Einstein,Albert",); @names = sort by_last_name @names; print join("\n",@names),"\n"; sub by_last_name { my ($a_last, $a_first) = split (/,/,$a); my ($b_last, $b_first) = split (/,/,$b); $a_last cmp $b_last or $a_first cmp $b_first } __END__ Prints: Bear,Izzy Boop,Albert Boop,Elizabeth Builder,Bob Einstein,Albert SomeGuy,Guy Stein,Franklin
    I added the simple code to sort by first name.

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