package Lambda; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter qw( import ); our @EXPORT = qw( lambda ); sub _on_destroy(&@) { return bless([@_], 'Lambda::OnDestroy'); } sub Lambda::OnDestroy::DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; my ($cb, @args) = @$self; $cb->(@args) if $cb; } sub lambda { my $xr = \$_[0]; my $f = $_[1]; return sub { my $temp = $$xr; $$xr = $_[0]; my $sentry = _on_destroy { $$xr = $temp; }; return $f->(); } } 1; #### use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 10; BEGIN { use_ok('Lambda') } { my $x; my $f = lambda($x => sub { $x }); is($f->('lex'), 'lex', 'lex1'); is($f->('LEX'), 'LEX', 'lex2'); is($x, undef, 'lex restore'); } { local our $x; my $f = lambda($x => sub { $x }); is($f->('pkg'), 'pkg', 'pkg1'); is($f->('PKG'), 'PKG', 'pkg2'); is($x, undef, 'pkg restore'); } { my $f = do { my $x; lambda($x => sub { $x }) }; is($f->('out of scope'), 'out of scope', 'out of scope'); } { my $y = 'test'; my $x; lambda($x => sub { $x = uc($x) })->($y); is($y, 'TEST', 'alias'); } { package Unfetchable; use Tie::Scalar qw( ); our @ISA = 'Tie::StdScalar'; sub FETCH { } } { tie my $x, 'Unfetchable'; my $f = lambda($x => sub { $x }); is($f->('test'), 'test', 'tied'); } #### 1..10 ok 1 - use Lambda; ok 2 - lex1 ok 3 - lex2 ok 4 - lex restore ok 5 - pkg1 ok 6 - pkg2 ok 7 - pkg restore ok 8 - out of scope not ok 9 - alias # Failed test 'alias' # at line 37. # got: 'test' # expected: 'TEST' not ok 10 - tied # Failed test 'tied' # at line 50. # got: undef # expected: 'test' # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 10. #### package Lambda; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter qw( import ); our @EXPORT = qw( lambda ); sub lambda(&) { my ($f) = @_; return sub { return $f->() for $_[0]; } } 1; #### use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 6; BEGIN { use_ok('Lambda') } { local $_; my $f = lambda { $_ }; is($f->('test'), 'test', 'test1'); is($f->('TEST'), 'TEST', 'test2'); is($_, undef, 'restore'); } { my $y = 'test'; ( lambda { $_ = uc($_) } )->($y); is($y, 'TEST', 'alias'); } { package Unfetchable; use Tie::Scalar qw( ); our @ISA = 'Tie::StdScalar'; sub FETCH { } } { local $_; tie $_, 'Unfetchable'; my $f = lambda { $_ }; is($f->('test'), 'test', 'tied'); } #### 1..6 ok 1 - use Lambda; ok 2 - test1 ok 3 - test2 ok 4 - restore ok 5 - alias ok 6 - tied