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How can I get <CODE>#!perl</CODE> to work on (MS-DOS,NT,...)?

by faq_monk (Initiate)
on Oct 13, 1999 at 02:56 UTC ( [id://788]=perlfaq nodetype: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Current Perl documentation can be found at

Here is our local, out-dated (pre-5.6) version:

For OS/2 just use

    extproc perl -S -your_switches

as the first line in *.cmd file (-S due to a bug in cmd.exe's `extproc' handling). For DOS one should first invent a corresponding batch file, and codify it in ALTERNATIVE_SHEBANG (see the INSTALL file in the source distribution for more information).

The Win95/NT installation, when using the ActiveState port of Perl, will modify the Registry to associate the .pl extension with the perl interpreter. If you install another port (Gurusaramy Sarathy's is the recommended Win95/NT port), or (eventually) build your own Win95/NT Perl using WinGCC, then you'll have to modify the Registry yourself.

Macintosh perl scripts will have the the appropriate Creator and Type, so that double-clicking them will invoke the perl application.

IMPORTANT!: Whatever you do, PLEASE don't get frustrated, and just throw the perl interpreter into your cgi-bin directory, in order to get your scripts working for a web server. This is an EXTREMELY big security risk. Take the time to figure out how to do it correctly.

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