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Re^2: What are the criterias of a "good" Perl IDE?

by LanX (Saint)
on Aug 14, 2009 at 22:58 UTC ( [id://788775]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: What are the criterias of a "good" Perl IDE?
in thread What are the criterias of a "good" Perl IDE?

Different people will have different criteria, and even if they have the same criteria, they'll have different tresholds as to when it's "good" and when it isn't.

No doubt, but most people can't express their criteria or usually are ignorant about the possibilities.

Or do you have the time to test all products in deep???

My interest is to break down this hole IDE discussion into understandable concepts, instead of all this confused "proto-flames" where apples are compared to oranges.

The best outcome would be to be able to build up a matrix with criterias as rows and applications as columns, and everybody could choose which rows meet his individual needs to find the subjectively optimum IDE / Editor...

Cheers Rolf

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