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Re: What are the criterias of a "good" Perl IDE?

by dekimsey (Sexton)
on Aug 15, 2009 at 14:29 UTC ( [id://788894]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to What are the criterias of a "good" Perl IDE?

For me, something that always bothers me is the fact that I generally work through on a server running putty (linux) on my client machine (windows). Most IDEs like EPIC expect that the libraries are installed locally. The debugging messages it provides are down-right useless. Attempts at using X11/Xming or the like to run across the network makes the interface slightly more laggy than I'd prefer. And some other random quirks.

I'd love to see an IDE that supported editing files remotely over sftp or the like. And fully supporting the fact that the entire environment of where the application should be tested, debugged, and run occur server side at the remote location.

I haven't found an IDE that can manage this. This is the one thing that prevents me from switching from vim.


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Re^2: What are the criterias of a "good" Perl IDE?
by LanX (Saint) on Aug 15, 2009 at 14:44 UTC

      Unfortunately this solution does not take into account the system libraries and the environment the application is normally run in. Not to mention the pathing issues that arrise.

      I guess the editor would need to be able to edit/execute/test files through an ssh shell.


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