use lib qw(/var/www/blogapp);
use Config ();
use CGI;
use DBI;
use DBD::SQLite;
use HTML::Template;
use XML::RSS;
use Net::SMTP;
use Captcha::reCAPTCHA;
use HTML::Entities;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use URI::_foreign;
use Errno;
use Net::HTTP;
use IO::Select;
use Compress::Zlib;
use Log::Agent;
use URI::http;
use LWP::Protocol::http;
use Carp::Heavy;
Contents of
use strict;
our $database = 'data/site.db';
our $tmplfile = 'templates/index.html';
our $blog_title = '';
our $blog_subtitle = 'My New Blog';
our $blog_url = '';
our $blog_owner = '';
our $blog_rights = 'Copyright 2009, Example User';
our $feed_updates = 'hourly';
our $captcha_pubkey = '';
our $captcha_seckey = '';
our $comment_max_length = '1000';
our $comments_allowed = 0;
our $smtp_server = 'localhost:25';
our $smtp_sender = '';
First ~20 lines of index.cgi:
use strict;
my $database = $Config::database;
my $tmplfile = $Config::tmplfile;
my $blog_title = $Config::blog_title;
my $blog_subtitle = $Config::blog_subtitle;
my $blog_url = $Config::blog_url;
my $blog_owner = $Config::blog_owner;
my $blog_rights = $Config::blog_rights;
my $feed_updates = $Config::feed_updates;
my $captcha_pubkey = $Config::captcha_pubkey;
my $captcha_seckey = $Config::captcha_seckey;
my $comment_max_length = $Config::comment_max_length;
my $comments_allowed = $Config::comments_allowed;
my $smtp_server = $Config::smtp_server;
my $smtp_sender = $Config::smtp_sender;
my $cgi = CGI->new;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:SQLite:dbname=$database", '', '', { RaiseE
+rror => 1 }) || die $DBI::errstr
print STDERR "FOOBAR $Config::blog_title\n";
my $template = HTML::Template->new(filename => $tmplfile, die_on_bad_p
+arams => 0);