Subs only capture the vars they think they need. They get it wrong in the case sub { eval '$x' }.
In older versions of Perl, the error was silent.
$ perl -wle'
sub make {
my ($x) = @_;
return sub {
eval q{$x};
print make(123)->()
Use of uninitialized value in print at -e line 9.
In newer versions of Perl, the error still exists, but a warning issued.
$ perl -wle'
sub make {
my ($x) = @_;
return sub {
eval q{$x};
print make(123)->()
Variable "$x" is not available at (eval 1) line 2.
Use of uninitialized value in print at -e line 9.
The solution is to add a reference to the variable that needs to be captured inside of the anon sub.
$ perl -wle'
sub make {
my ($x) = @_;
return sub {
$x if 0; # <--- added
eval q{$x};
print make(123)->()