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Re^3: How can I copy and paste a range of tables in Word with Win32::OLE?

by jrsimmon (Hermit)
on Sep 17, 2009 at 13:48 UTC ( [id://795887]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: How can I copy and paste a range of tables in Word with Win32::OLE?
in thread How can I copy and paste a range of tables in Word with Win32::OLE?

Did you use the guide and the utility suggested by Bloodnok?
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Re^4: How can I copy and paste a range of tables in Word with Win32::OLE?
by romandas (Pilgrim) on Sep 17, 2009 at 14:04 UTC

    Yes, I read through the guide, but it doesn't mention how to handle Ranges at all. It (the guide) would be quite useful if I had working VBA code to translate, but I don't even have that at this point.

    The utility is a rather expensive option ($295 for a license?), so no, I haven't tried it. I realize it mentions trying it for free for 21 days, but that also comes with its own hassles.

        Two points to consider regarding that brilliant RTFM comment:

        1) I am reading the "manual", along with everything else. I have clearly stated my lack of understanding regarding this material, with the few examples I can find in addition to the "manual", which prompted my question in the first place.

        2) Try posting the correct manual next time.

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