In the process of trying to make one shorter than the rest, decided to take a slight turn off the path and came up with this. It took me a damn long time to figure out how to get them both the right way and it still isn't up to my standards (and it is long), but I hope you like it anyway. :)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
for(2,3,4,7,4,3,2){unless($_ == 7){print "\t"," "x($_-3/4),"*"x$_,
"\n";}else{print "\n","="x($_+$_+2),"\n";}}print"\n\t\n";for(5,4,3,
2,3,4,5){unless($_ == 2){print "\t"," "x($_-5/4),"*"x$_,"\n";}else{
print "\n"," "x($_+6),"="x($_+14),"\n";}}
Tiptoeing up to a Perl hacker. Dave AKA damian