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Re^2: False Passwords Void / Method to Disable Your Account

by Co-Rion (Monk)
on Oct 01, 2009 at 17:01 UTC ( [id://798685]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: False Passwords Void / Method to Disable Your Account
in thread False Passwords Void / Method to Disable Your Account

I assume that the users locking their account will have erased their email address.

I think an appropriate metaphor to setting your password to "0" is "locking up the house and throwing away the key".

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Re^3: False Passwords Void / Method to Disable Your Account
by Argel (Prior) on Oct 01, 2009 at 19:52 UTC
    Is this just a stop-gap to a better solution in the future? It seems to me that the long term the goal should be to create a "Disable" button that erases that users real name, email address, and password. And maybe that users home node for good measure?

    Elda Taluta; Sarks Sark; Ark Arks

      No. You can set all these yourself, and as this is a one-time thing, I don't see any need to spend time on making this functionality into a button.

        One time deal? Are you planning on removing the code that disables an account? If not, is this going to be documented anywhere?

        Elda Taluta; Sarks Sark; Ark Arks

        Where is the button to do this?

      Would it also remove the information from google cache and the wayback machine, and distribute “corrected” copies of the old printed newspapers to everyone's homes?

        The email address and real name are only stored in the database, right? So unless the user (or hackers) intentionally disclose that information it shouldn't be cached anywhere else.

        Elda Taluta; Sarks Sark; Ark Arks

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