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Perl Following

by dusk (Friar)
on May 13, 2001 at 21:53 UTC ( [id://80072]=poem: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

This song was derived from Benefit - Blind Following.

Larry Wall: "Uh He... He is an enemy of our religious teachings."
Tom Christiansen: "I know... You want him... Eliminated?"
Larry Wall: "Precisely."

Throughout the monastery, Eureka's great mystery
"What is the difference between the following R-E?" /[0-z]+/ and /\w+/
The difference, as defined by Nobo, was that both R-E's were different, and one may differ with Unico(de).

The fellow monks stress the use of 'use strict;'
While lamer VB coders categorize perl hackers as sick
Lincoln's Napster module allows me to login with my nick
While I powertrip; ban, muzzle, kill, and kick

Although I'm still young, I know enough to 'use warnings;'
I fill my code with indentations as if they were adornings;
Perl coding is how I end my nights, and begin my weekend mornings

Chorus x2
VB advocate: "I believe what I say"
"That's quite obvious"
Larry Wall: "They BELIEVE what he says"
VB advocate: "I believe what I say"
"That's quite obvious"
Larry Wall: "They BELIEVE what he says"
Larry Wall: "And think of it, the people believe..."

In the past, perl could only process text fast
We declare our var without the need for a cast
Now we are all-powerful, and almighty
Enlightened perl monks, alive to fulfill piety

Windows BASIC coders cannot face, they're in denial
While groups of perl coders hack away and smile

Chorus x2
VB advocate: "I believe what I say"
"That's quite obvious"
Larry Wall: "They BELIEVE what he says"
VB advocate: "I believe what I say"
"That's quite obvious"
Larry Wall: "They BELIEVE what he says"
Larry Wall: "And think of it, the people believe..."

In the coder existance, take obfuscation for instance
Flexible coding can eliminate resistance

Be careful, answer the seekers thread right
Or else higher authority will deal you with smite

Do not let the final task get out of sight
Perl advocacy, worldwide extraction and report
We must continue to fight, VB coders retort


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Perl Following
by Johnny Golden (Scribe) on May 19, 2001 at 02:32 UTC
    Definitely points for style!
      Dusk++ Dusk now has 1 karma
Re: Perl Following
by muzakfetch (Scribe) on May 13, 2001 at 22:58 UTC

    Dusk that was hot!

    You have made my day.

Re: Perl Following
by Anonymous Monk on May 15, 2001 at 00:57 UTC
    This is awful. Hurts my eyes just to look at it. I hope the author is as embarassed as he should be.

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