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Re^2: piping to lp is broken after perl upgrade

by myuserid7 (Scribe)
on Oct 12, 2009 at 23:26 UTC ( [id://800819]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: piping to lp is broken after perl upgrade
in thread piping to lp is broken after perl upgrade

I got excited when I saw your close - I thought for sure the open handle was causing the grief.

Added the error checking. Nothing.

Something is foobar here and I am not sure it is perl. Even from the command line...

cat | /usr/bin/lp -o nobanner
prints the postscript code while...
/usr/bin/lp -o nobanner
Prints the postscript document. So I really can't expect my perl script to work as written.

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