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Re^3: perl javascript help passing varable

by thunders (Priest)
on Oct 16, 2009 at 15:17 UTC ( [id://801573]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: perl javascript help passing varable
in thread perl javascript help passing varable

If it was an array it'd be called @number. However $number may be an array reference. If it is an array reference you can dereference it inside of a double quoted string, as in the example below.

$number = [1,2,3]; @number = (4,5,6); print "$number @$number @number";

prints something like this:

ARRAY(0x814cc20) 1 2 3 4 5 6

Perl's default behavior is to separate an arrays elements with spaces in double quoted context. If you instead wanted to separate with commas you could do something like this:

my $comma_sep_number = join(",",@$number); print "My Array Contains: $comma_sep_number";


My Array Contains: 1,2,3

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