Merlyn if you ever offer a class via the web let me know.
I've heard this question a lot. But I'm never sure what it means.
Does it mean
"if you ever put up your course materials on the web for free, let me know", because
that's not likely to happen without a good business case. And I've already got
120 magazine columns for free on the web. Have you seen those?
And the courseware is already available in a low-cost form, called "The Llama Book".
If it means "if you ever conduct a class on the web, let me know" then very likely
it'll cost the same as the open-enrollment courses we offer in Portland and elsewhere,
because the benefit will be the same. Except I'm unlikely to do that, because I'd
have to reinvest another $75K or so to develop and rewrite my materials for
web delivery, and yet the return would not be there.
So, what do you mean? What are you really asking for?
-- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker