in reply to Re^6: anchor text match
in thread anchor text match

I think that you may have expected a ready-made solution, which is why Re^2: anchor text match surprised you. The poster there was not (I think) trying to solve your problem, but rather to indicate to you how you could solve it. (That was the meaning of the “Two clues in one” text.)

It's not surprising that the code you indicate doesn't do what you want—the for loop makes no effort to check whether the link being processed satisfies any special conditions, and so must treat every link equally.

To fix this, you must have something of the following shape in your code:

for my $link ( @links ) { if ( is_special $link ) { do_special_thing $link } else { do_ordinary_thing $link } }
* where it's up to you to determine how to write is_special and do_special_thing (you've already indicated what you want do_ordinary_thing to be). As an aid, you have the $link object to hand, and so can test its properties in as much detail as necessary.

* I don't mean literally that your code has to contain these words; just that, without some sort of conditional, you'll never get the special treatment you like.