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Re: Not Safe For Work threads [NSFW]

by IBlowGoatsSucker (Beadle)
on Jan 06, 2010 at 12:06 UTC ( [id://815913]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Not Safe For Work threads [NSFW]

Argel makes an excellent point, and his contributions to the discussion have been well-reasoned and thoughtful. We should do our utmost to comply with the sensibilities of the American corporate establishment. After all, we all know that corporations are the epitome of good sense and responsibility. The corporate top floor has developed a culture of caring and respect unlike any other on the planet. So please, even if your own preferences and habits run contrary to these high standards, show some consideration and mark yourself NSFW.

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Re^2: Not Safe For Work threads [NSFW]
by Gavin (Archbishop) on Jan 06, 2010 at 12:19 UTC
    Now there's irony!
      Dear Gavin, thank you for your contribution. I believe however that "irony", both as a technique and a term, is not suitable for the work environments of some monks. In the spirit of this discussion, could you please clearly mark that section of your post?

      Thanking you in advance, yours respectfully,


        I wonder who you really are?

        and will we ever know, could you be another Paco to come and go with but a single node to your credit!

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