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Re^7: Not Safe For Work threads

by IBlowGoatsSucker (Beadle)
on Jan 11, 2010 at 15:06 UTC ( [id://816731]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^6: Not Safe For Work threads
in thread Not Safe For Work threads [NSFW]

Oh my god, you are so right! Women were born to breed children (it's in the name, WOmen comes from womb), and they don't like to do anything else. If they need to work they can be nurses, fashion designers or cooks, jobs no normal man would take. Women who work in IT are subverting the Lord's will, it's not natural! Clearly, the 28% of women who currently work in IT and engineering in the US were forced to do so against their will! Probably their parents were communists! Another proof: in Malaysia there are as many women as men in IT, and it is an overwhelmingly Islamic country, which makes Jesus cry. Don't force women to take an IT job by not being a total jerk!

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Re^8: Not Safe For Work threads
by Jenda (Abbot) on Jan 11, 2010 at 17:42 UTC

    When it comes to intentional misunderstanding you must have tried really really hard.

    And yes, they were born to breed children. Among milions of other things. They can work as anything they want sweetheart. They just tend to choose different jobs. THEMSELVES! And no, there would not be 28% of women in IT, if it was not for years' long "oh my gawd, we don't have enough women in IT" campaigns. And if companies were not compelled to watch their "diversity". There would be some women in IT. There would be some great women in IT. Actually all the good and great women that are in IT would be in IT even without the campaigns. And would get jobs even without the "jeeesus, we've got only 13.717% of women in the workforce, we've got to hire some. And since we are also short on blacks (go to hell with the afroamerican newspeak!) they've got to be black. And we've got to hire them now, before the SaRQ officers find out!"

    The Diversion and Inclusion laws are racist and sexist!

    Enoch was right!
    Enjoy the last years of Rome.

      Yes, and the women who work in IT now, forced into the job by racist and sexist laws, they all hate it, because it's not natural. They go home in the evenings and cry because they really wanted to be knitters and babysitters. After all, they were forced to take these unsuitable jobs by a cruel government, they never would have spent the time at university if it weren't for the FBI knocking at their door and forcing them to . In fact, the only thing that makes women in IT jobs feel good about themselves is when their male colleagues make sexist remarks about them. For example, telling them that they're working in jobs which are unnatural for women really gives them the warm and fuzzies.

      Scientific fact: Bigotted nonsense becomes 76% more true when repeated in a stand-alone sentence at the end of a post!
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