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Re^9: Not Safe For Work threads

by IBlowGoatsSucker (Beadle)
on Jan 12, 2010 at 10:59 UTC ( [id://816873]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^8: Not Safe For Work threads
in thread Not Safe For Work threads [NSFW]

Yes, and the women who work in IT now, forced into the job by racist and sexist laws, they all hate it, because it's not natural. They go home in the evenings and cry because they really wanted to be knitters and babysitters. After all, they were forced to take these unsuitable jobs by a cruel government, they never would have spent the time at university if it weren't for the FBI knocking at their door and forcing them to . In fact, the only thing that makes women in IT jobs feel good about themselves is when their male colleagues make sexist remarks about them. For example, telling them that they're working in jobs which are unnatural for women really gives them the warm and fuzzies.

Scientific fact: Bigotted nonsense becomes 76% more true when repeated in a stand-alone sentence at the end of a post!

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