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Template::Latex not interpolating variables . . .

by hesco (Deacon)
on Feb 08, 2010 at 02:16 UTC ( [id://821924]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

hesco has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have a script which parses /etc/log/maillog and builds a hash of bounced email addresses, doing a few database interactions to identify the names and phone numbers of the recipients going without their email.

Today I'm adding Template::Latex to the mix to generate a report which might be useful for tracking down corrections to the bouncing email. But for some reason my variable substitutions are not happening.

My template includes the following:

[% FOREACH recipient IN call_list %] \textbf{} & box & recipient.uid: & r +ecipient.fname recipient.lname & recipient.phones \\ \hline [% FOREACH sponsor IN call_list.recipient.upstream %] \multicolumn{2}{||r|}{} & sponsor.uid: +me & sponsor.fname sponsor.lname & sponsor.phones \\ [% END %] \hline [% END %]
The script itself includes:

sub produce_report { my $call_list = shift; my $vars = { 'call_list' => $call_list }; print Dumper($vars); $tt->process('nightly_bounced_emails_report.tex.tt2', $vars, 'bounced_email_report.pdf', binmode => 1) || die $tt->error(); return; }
$call_list arrives as a hashref, with the bouncing email addresses used as keys, each containing a data structure for the bounced recipient, plus a key called 'upstream', which includes an arrayref of anonymous hashes for the folks who brought the bounced recipient into the mix.

When the template is processed, it is producing a .tex file including:

\textbf{} & box & recipient.uid: & r +ecipient.fname recipient.lname & recipient.phones \\ \hline \hline \textbf{} & box & recipient.uid: & r +ecipient.fname recipient.lname & recipient.phones \\ \hline \hline
And it never descends into the data structure to process the internal loop.

Can anyone please advise how I can get my template variables interpolated instead, please?

Any clues appreciated.

-- Hugh Esco

if( $lal && $lol ) { $life++; }
if( $insurance->rationing() ) { $people->die(); }

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Re: Template::Latex not interpolating variables . . .
by ahmad (Hermit) on Feb 08, 2010 at 05:15 UTC

    All template variables should be put between [% %] to get processed

      Yes, of course. Thank you ahmad. I no longer get the literals passing through the filter, but my variables still are not being interpolated. Now I am seeing:

      \textbf{} & box & : & & \\ \hline \hline \textbf{} & box & : & & \\ \hline
      where my template now reads:

      [% FOREACH recipient IN call_list %] \textbf{[% %]} & box & [% recipient.uid %]: [% rec %] & [% recipient.fname %] [% recipient.lname %] & [% rec +ip ient.phones %] \\ \hline [% FOREACH sponsor IN call_list.recipient.upstream %] \multicolumn{2}{||r|}{[% %]} & [% sponsor.uid %] +: [% %] & [% sponsor.fname %] [% sponsor.lname %] & [% s +po nsor.phones %] \\ [% END %] \hline [% END %]
      if( $lal && $lol ) { $life++; }
      if( $insurance->rationing() ) { $people->die(); }

        If your desired data is not shown, then you might be using the wrong data structure (Your hashref is not what you have expected).

        Try using Data::Dumper to print out content of your hashref and see if it's indeed what you want.

        If you still have problems with it, post the output of "print Dumper($call_list);" so I can have a look into it.

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