; mind you, for those that work for genetic algorithms, this is a REALLY BAD EXAMPLE since there is only one right answer (GA's work best when there's a multitude of good answers). Results will vary every time you run it, with the answer being hit somwhere between 50 and 125 generations in the cases I've tested (As the example output shows below, the fact that there's only one solution makes getting to it hard).
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Algorithm::Genetic;
my $target = "just another perl hacker";
my @alphabet = ( 'a'..'z',' ' );
my $algo = new Algorithm::Genetic( {
FITNESS => \&fitness,
MUTATOR => \&mutate,
BREEDER => \&breed,
MUTATE_CRITERIA => sub { $_[ 0 ]->{ FITNESS } + 1 },
BREED_CRITERIA => sub{ $_[ 0 ]->{ FITNESS } + 1 },
} );
my @initcode;
foreach ( 0..500 ) {
my $string = join '', map { $alphabet[ int rand @alphabet ] }
( 1..length $target );
$initcode[ $_ ] = $string;
$algo->init_population( @initcode );
my $test_string = "";
while ( $test_string ne $target ) {
print "\n";
$test_string = ($algo->get_population())[0];
print "$test_string";
print " for ",$algo->get_generation_number()." generations and countin
sub mutate {
my $clone = $_[0]->{ DATA };
if ( int rand 2 ) {
substr( $clone, int rand length $clone, 1,
$alphabet[ int rand @alphabet ] );
} else {
my @chars = split //, $clone;
my $pos1 = int rand @chars;
my $pos2 = $pos1;
$pos2 = int rand @chars while ( $pos2 == $pos1 );
( $chars[$pos1], $chars[$pos2] ) = ( $chars[$pos1], $chars[$po
+s2] );
$clone = join '', @chars;
return $clone;
sub breed {
my $child1 = $_[0]->{ PARENT1 };
my $child2 = $_[0]->{ PARENT2 };
if ( rand(1.0) < 0.8 ) {
my $pos = int rand ( length $target );
my $length = length ( $target ) - $pos;
my $t = substr( $child1, $pos, $length );
$t = substr( $child2, $pos, $length, $t );
substr( $child1, $pos, $length, $t );
return ( $child1, $child2 );
sub fitness {
my $string = $_[0]->{ DATA };
return calculate_fitness( $string )**2;
sub calculate_fitness{
my $string = shift;
my $score = 0;
my @tarex = split //, $target;
my @data = split //, $string;
my @correct;
for my $i ( 0..@tarex-1 )
if ($tarex[ $i ] eq $data[ $i ]) {
$score += 30;
push @correct, $i;
return $score;
...And some sample output...
sunavkzotpq umbmdbhvckrv
jbctylaodw dxpmha bkc en
ruep aaohgpt encvbrcrkr
jcpt laodw dxpmha bkc en
jcpt unbiper qhmdbhvcezm
sunavkzotper qhmdbhvc en
juet ahhygpt eqmvhvckrv
ruet ahotpqrubl f adcner
jcpt ahotwfv p crhvckkr
ruet agotper qoiclsickbr
ruet agotper qoiclsickbr
ruet agotper qmha hvcxzr
ruep azotger pexlnhtcozr
judt azotper qhmd adcozr
juet agotper qeha hvckrv
juet agotper qeqmahvckkr
gunt unotper pnfl bkcxer
juet agotper qeqm adcner
junt ahotner peta hdc er
junt ahotner peta hdc er
junt ahotner peta hdc er
juet anotper pnfl hvckkr
juet anotper pnfl hvc er
jc t anotper p l hvcker
juet unotner pefl hvcner
juet agotper pefl hvckea
juet anotper p l bkcker
juat another pl l bkcker
juet unotper pefl hvcker
juet anotper petl hvckea
juet anotper petl hvcker
juet anotper pexl hvcker
jupt anotqer pefl hac er
juat another p l hvcker
juet another pefl hvc er
juat another petl hvcker
juet another petl hvcker
juet another pefl hvcker
just another peta hvcker
juet another pefl hvcker
juet another pefl hvcker
juet another pefl hvcker
juat another petl hackyr
judt anotper perl hvcker
juat another peal hvcker
junt another peal hvcker
junt another peal hvcker
just anotper perl hicker
jumt anotper perl hvcker
jumt another perl hvcker
jumt another perl hvcker
judt another perl hvcker
jupt another perl hvcker
jupt another perl hvcker
jupt another perl hvcker
jupt another perl hvcker
just anotper perl hvcker
just anotper perl hvcker
just anotper perl hvcker
just another pefl hvcker
jupt another perl hvcker
jupt another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hkcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hmcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hmcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hjcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hjcker
just another perl hxcker
just another perl hkcker
just another perl hkcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hkcker
just another perl hxcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hjcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hzcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hmcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hmcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hmcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hzcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hscker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hmcker
just another perl hscker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hzcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hzcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hzcker
just another perl hmcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hvcker
just another perl hacker for 146 generations and counting!
Dr. Michael K. Neylon - mneylon-pm@masemware.com
"You've left the lens cap of your mind on again, Pinky" - The Brain
Edit: chipmunk 2001-05-22