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Re^4: Question about defined loop

by IBlowGoatsSucker (Beadle)
on Mar 12, 2010 at 09:23 UTC ( [id://828247]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: Question about defined loop
in thread Question about defined loop

Weren't you on the CB the other day, asking how you could delete your PM username and any information associated with it, because you thought it might hurt your career? You were worried that certain "important members" of the Perl community were labeling you a troll, because of some bad things you'd said in perlmonks-posts. You then went on at some length about how you wanted to change your ways, do things better and not be that kind of person anymore. Well

please to learn english. Thanks a lot dude !!!! Thanks in advance !!!!

looks like that was a pile of yadda-yadda.

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