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Re: String split problem

by ZlR (Chaplain)
on Apr 06, 2010 at 14:42 UTC ( [id://833051]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to String split problem

Here's how i do that :
my $str =" [India] Captain1 = Dhoni Batsman1 = Sachin Bowler1 = Zaheer [Aussie] Captain = Ponting Batsman = Clarke Bowler = Warne [Aussie] Captain = Hussey Batsman = Waugh Bowler = Mcgrath"; my @l = split "\n", $str ; my $key ; my %rez ; for my $it (@l) { next if $it =~ m /^$/ ; if ($it =~ m/^\[(.*)\]/) { $key = $1 } else { my @t = split "=", $it ; $rez{$key}{ $t[0] } = $t[1] } } use Data::Dumper ; print Dumper \%rez ;
It's really basic and straightforward but a least you immediately know what's going on.

edit : did not see that the aussie section was duped, you could always if define $rez{$key} etc ...

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