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Re: how to make this code more efficient? Need to Compute the Min and Max of a Temperature using an equation

by almut (Canon)
on Apr 19, 2010 at 19:19 UTC ( [id://835575]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to how to make this code more efficient? Need to Compute the Min and Max of a Temperature using an equation

while (my $uniqueseq = $stream->next_seq()) { push @oligomers, $uniqueseq->seq; }

Instead of expanding all possible combinations into an array that you then iterate over, why not directly call tm_Base_Stacking(...) (or tm_NNH() for that matter(?)) in that loop?

That should at least get rid of the memory problem (unless the Bio::Tools::IUPAC iterator internally pre-expands the set itself), although the runtime problem would likely still persist...

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